Astral projection: warnings and dangers

Living this experience is both rudimentary and convenient. Astral projection is far from being a game. It certainly presents dangers as well as positive points. To become aware of what one does and of what one lives is a primitive character. It is a personal journey which is decided by the person concerned.

Be prepared

Like any trip, astral projection is prepared in every detail: be totally Zen, relaxed, and positive; bring the necessary luggage; express needs; and prepare for your return. "Be prepared" is the watchword for every situation that arises. Above all, when in doubt, stay in your corner and don't do anything because the risk will be perilous. Advice: prepare yourself mentally, psychologically; warn, warn the body and mind of what you are going to do. It is clear that this practice remains paranormal for ordinary people. Also, astral travel is personal. It particularly affects the psycho, habits and by dint of practice could become second nature. Beware! Some people might describe your attitude as "disturbed". This is a true reflection of what you are going through. Therefore, choose people you trust, otherwise "being suspicious of those around you" could be beneficial for you.

Are there any risks to be taken?

Detaching yourself from the physical world can present great risks? Of course, the dangers of astral projection can be enormous under certain conditions. Succeed or fail in astral travel? No one wants to fail in their journey at the risk of losing their life in another dimension. As the body remains in a physical place, astral travel allows the spirit to travel to other dimensions by freeing itself from daily restraints. This astral projection provides the liberation of an extraordinary existence. The risks involved? First of all, the risk of dying. The pressure is so great that the heart cannot bear it: a heart attack, death assured! In the second place, against astral projection, if the necessary arrangements are not made, the reaction after the journey can lead to madness. Some signs show that you are in shock: rising tension, an invasive heat, a vibration from the feet to the head... In all serenity, adopt a post-winning attitude, i.e. overcome everything that happens with positivism. Take a deep breath and stay at peace with yourself. It should be pointed out that the people with whom you share this paranormal experience are also affected. Beware of these people does not mean "keep it all to yourself". It means that these people do not do things the way you do: others may make fun of you, some may take you for a fool, take advantage of your honesty to take you as a guinea pig. Which is a difficult case to swallow. From now on, astral projection requires an awareness of each person. Judgement is intimate and no one should lightly criticise the sensations and perceptions of others. Beware! There are also ill-intentioned people who, through vibration, release negative waves such as fear, jealousy, pessimism. These negative energies are tedious and exhausting: they are called "astral larvae".  An astral projection, as a general rule, pumps out positive energies.

Some techniques to succeed

It can be said that a journey is not always successful. There are ups and downs. Here are a few tips. Before you dive, make sure you have the necessary ammunition: be ready before and after your trip. Lie down. Get rid of harmful or disruptive tension. "Relax" is the watchword. On the other hand, be as optimistic as possible: joy, sharing, peace,... these vibrations soothe you and make your trip serene. However, remember that the journey is up to you. In any case, we wish you a good trip and an excellent return!
Definition of an astral projection
How to prepare for an astral projection?

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