The Origins of the Zodiac Astrology

The Babylonians civilization is by and large known to have formulated the application and knowledge of astrology. The astrological charts of the ancient Babylonian civilization have enabled them to forecast the recurrences of seasons and a number of events in the cosmos. Therefore, since the beginning and for more than 2,000 years, astrology and astronomy were and are considered as the same science. The ancient knowledge of astrology of the Babylonian civilization was presented to the Greeks during the early periods of the 4th century BCE and, all the way through the interpretations of Plato, Aristotle, and several others, astrology came to be well considered as a science. Astrology was then accepted by the ancient Roman civilization (hence, the Roman names of the zodiacal signs that are still used these days) and then the Arabs and later on has reached to various civilizations and nations all over the world. Whereas earliest form of astrology was applied to convey a sense of order out of evident turmoil, it was in a little while utilized to foresee various weather patterns, mainly for agricultural reasons. It was, in due course, amplified to incorporate predictions of natural disasters, conflicts and other occurrences in the disturbing condition of humanity. Once the achievements in these fields were established, it was a natural advancement for astrology to be utilized as a instruments for giving opinions to kings and emperors and, in due course, the general public in general. The Zodiac (of which is derived from the Greek word which means “circle of animals”) is assumed to have escalated by the ancient civilization of Egypt and later on taken up by the Babylonians. The astrologers during that period, realized that it took twelve lunar revolutions (i.e., months) for the sun to return to its initial position. The astrologers during that time then conceded that the twelve constellations that they monitored were associated to the sequence of the seasons and then appointed them names of a selection of animals and persons (for example, in Babylonia civilization, the rainy season was realized to come about when the sun was in a certain constellation; of which was then called Aquarius, or the water bearer). In the year 2000 BCE, the ancient astrologers of the Babylonian civilization deemed that the sun, moon, and the five planets known at that point in time (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus) have distinct influence. For instance, Mars seemed to be red and was linked with hostilities and conflicts.
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