Discover your year in Chinese zodiac signs

As a basic principle, the Chinese Year begins in February on the occasion of the Chinese New Year celebration. The reference animal for the coming year is determined on this day. In order to be able to determine the animal in question, it is necessary to follow the ranks of animals established by the signs of the Chinese zodiac. Note that the years of the zodiac are defined according to the Chinese lunar calendar. For more in-depth notes, follow the paragraphs in this article and discover your year in Chinese zodiac signs.

History of Chinese astrology

Like all astrology, Chinese horoscopes are a science which concerns the study of the stars, such as the planets, the stars and many others. But unlike other modes of astrology, Chinese astrology is inspired by legends linked to the Chinese tradition, such as the legend about astrological animals. In addition to these legends, there is also the study of different celestial bodies considered to come from a deity, whose particularity is based on a lunar cycle which helps to determine the reference animal for each year to be incurred. Now, take the opportunity to discover your year in Chinese zodiac signs.

Determining the years of the Chinese zodiacs

Having already been mentioned earlier, the determination of your year in Chinese astrological signs is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. You are probably asking yourself the following question, but how do you calculate the year in Chinese zodiac signs? It's easy, you just need to know your Chinese horoscope and then consult a Chinese astrologer to find out your Chinese yearly astrological sign. In principle, the Chinese zodiac years conform to the range of Chinese zodiac signs, including a twelve-year gap, for example, for the years of the pig. Here are some dates for the years of the pig; 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031 and so on. Below is an example for further clarification.

The year 2019, a year of the pig

For this year 2019, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, this year is a year of the pig. Traditionally known as a year of bad luck according to Chinese horoscope predictions. In principle, the personality of pigs lies in their diligence, compassion and generosity. They are people with strong characters and strong concentration skills. They are people who do not easily resign themselves, their aim is to achieve their goal by all possible means. They are full of energy. These beings are independent, and do not seek help from others, but they are helpful and ready to help their fellow man. Optimistic and confident, they are often easy to influence. But that doesn't stop them from shining, for this year 2019, for you who believe in the influence of the stars on human life. In a nutshell, the Year of the Pig is a hard but surmountable year. Here are some predictions according to Chinese astrologers. In terms of career, the pigs will make do with some difficulties but with perseverance everything will return to normal, don't worry. When it comes to health, pigs need to adopt a balance in their daily tasks to stay in good shape whether at work or with their families. When it comes to finances, you're going to do better. On the heart side, you'll be satisfied with your relationship and love life and even have the possibility of a commitment in sight. Of course these are only predictions, it is up to you to believe or not. But for a more enriched experience, don't wait any longer, let yourself be tempted by this article and discover your year in Chinese zodiac signs to know your personality!
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